Public Restrooms Frighten Users
ATLANTA -- Nearly 30 percent of Americans avoid public restroooms out of fear of germs, according to a poll by tissue and towel giant Georgia-Pacific Corp. (NYSE:GP)

The survey also found that 40 percent of those who do use public restrooms, such as those in gas stations, flush with their feet as opposed to their hands.

Another 20 percent use towels to shield their hands from the objects and a full 60 percent of respondents say they don't touch a thing in public bathrooms. Those respondents say they squat over toilets instead of sit and simply don't touch any objects in the bathrooms.

Private bathrooms also raise germ fears, the survey uncovered. More than four out of every five respondents say they are concerned about germs in private and public bathrooms.

The survey results should underscore the necessity for keeping bathrooms clean since a clean bathroom will give a good perception of your business or institution.